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Featured Product: ProDen Plaque Off

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Featured Product: ProDen Plaque Off

Thursday, September 27th, 2012

This is the easiest and most simple way to remove tartar and plaque from your pet’s teeth.  No brushing necessary!

Just add a very small amount of Plaque Off  to your pet’s food daily.  In a two to four week period, all tartar and plaque is gone and your pet’s teeth are clean. ProDen Plaque Off will also eliminate bad breath odors associated with tartar and plaque buildup.

Plaque Off contains specially selected seaweeds, no artificial colors, no preservatives,gluten or sugar.  It’s a safe and economical way to keep your pet’s teeth healthy and clean without a costly veterinary teeth cleaning bill.  We have hundreds of very satisfied customers using this product.

Call Now To Get Started!

(830) 980-8900